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Apantac PTZ -kamera med NDI -teknologi

Apantacs nye AP-1080P-PTZ-20x (NDI) er designet for video opp til 1080P og tilbyr 3G SDI, HDMI, USB 3.0 og video over IP.

Dette kameraet støtter NDI 5.0 så snart det er tilgjengelig gjennom NDI og Vizrt Group.

Dette kameraet er ideelt for utdannings-, forretnings-, regjerings-, kirkeapplikasjoner.

Apantac har integrert NDI | HX i deres nye 1080P PTZ-kamera slik at video kan gjenkjennes som en kilde av andre NDI-aktiverte applikasjoner og enheter koblet til et standard Ethernet-lokalnettverk.

Kameraet integreres også sømløst med de fleste videokonferanser og andre programmer.


✅ Supporterer NDI®|HX, USB, IP, HDMI og SDI output

✅ Kompatibel med ledende video conference systemer.

✅ 20x Optical Zoom + 2x Digital Zoom med 61 graders FOV

✅ Understøtter USB 3.0 output

✅ Full HD video over IP, understøtter H.264, H.265

✅ NDI|HX output

✅ Understøtter POE

✅ Standard IP VISCA, Serial og TCP/IP, Pelco-P/D kontrol protocol

✅ Understøtter SRT protocol (tilgængelig med NDI|HX 5.0)

Kontakt Per-Erik Evensen for mer informasjon på +47 23 400 450 eller e-post:

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Studioinstallasjon for det norske selskapet Mentra by SATS

Danmon Group Norway har levert og satt i drifts en komplett studioinstallasjon for det norske selskapet Mentra by SATS.

SATS er kjent som en av Nordens største treningskjeder.

I gruppen inngår 250 sentre i Norge, Sverige, Finland og Danmark med 700.000 medlemmer og 10.000 ansatte, hvorav 2.000 er heltidsansatte.

Investeringen innen videoproduksjon har bakgrunn i at selskapet nå har lansert et nytt konsept. Dette gir kunden muligheten til også å trene «on-line» hjemmefra ved å strømme video av instruktøren til et spesialbygd speil som inneholder både en videomonitor og høyttalere. Dermed kan profesjonelle trenere veilede folk gjennom øvelser mens de selv kan sammenligne egen prestasjon med videoen av treneren.

All video produseres både i liggende og stående format (16:9 og 9:16) slik at videostrømmen kan tilpasses både treningsspeilet Rflex og andre visningsplattformer.

Kvaliteten på den tekniske installasjonen er på høyde med et hvilket som helst annet TV studio for kringkasting.  Hovedkomponenter er levert av Ross Video og inkluderer deres Graphite, Xpression, Dashboard og OpenGear produkter. Utover dette, infrastrukturprodukter fra Cobalt Digital samt kamera og kamerakontroll fra PTZ Optics

Se en demonstrasjonsvideo av konseptet og Rflex treningsspeilet på:

For ytterligere informasjon, kontakt:

Salgssjef Per-Erik Evensen på +47 23 400 400 eller E-mail:

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Making the difficult easy – NRK study case

This case study describes how Bridge Technologies and Danmon worked together to help Norway’s NRK transition to the use of CDNs even more successful.

If you’re trying to understand, analyse and act on complex data – and especially if you’re trying to do it against a deadline – images will almost always work better than reams of text or columns of numbers. Images – done right – are intuitive and instantaneous: we can, for example, more easily detect anomalies in a graph than in a sequence of digits.

Visualisation, in an increasingly complex world, is becoming imperative. That became clear when NRK wanted to achieve much better visibility into the status and quality of its OTT deliveries, for which it used CDNs. NRK is the Norwegian government-owned radio and television public broadcasting company, and the largest media organisation in Norway. The organisation broadcasts three national TV channels and a number of national radio channels on digital terrestrial television, digital terrestrial radio and subscription television.


NRK turned to Danmon, a long term business partner of Bridge Technologies. Established in 1981, Danmon has developed to be a long-established broadcast and media solutions provider combining in-depth experience with the ability to implement new technology quickly and efficiently.

NRK’s transition to the use of multiple CDNs in order to balance the delivery of its content provided some challenges – and the company asked Danmon to suggest an appropriate solution. Originally, NRK had developed in-house a visualisation tool but had found it inadequate for the company’s needs. NRK subsequently replaced this with a third party solution that was slow, required rack space, and was noisy – and NRK no longer had access to either rack space or a sound-proof room.

A meeting was convened at which Danmon and Bridge Technologies presented to NRK the Bridge Technologies Remote Data Wall (RDW).  RDW allows those responsible for network monitoring and management to quickly and easily create a visual representation of network activity, enabling potential problems to be rapidly identified and appropriate corrective action taken. Depending on the size or complexity of the network being monitored, RDW can spread from a single screen to multiple screens in a videowall format – but requires no specialist skills to install.

The benefit of RDW isn’t so much that it collects data about the network. It is in how RDW turns that data into information that is actionable in real time. It is the perfect illustration of the power of visualisation. With RDW, NRK could do much more than just check that the CDNs were up and running: the company could also gain insight into the quality of the CDN transmissions. This was essential to NRK, enabling it to ensure that the terms of its various SLAs were being met. Moreover, the insights that RDW has delivered have enabled NRK to further tune its setup.

NRK also uses RDW to visualise data that does not originate from Bridge Technologies equipment, demonstrating its openness and flexibility in allowing the integration of third party systems.

Additionally: of particular value to NRK, as a radio broadcaster, is RDW’s ability to monitor audio streams.


In early discussions about how RDW could enable NRK to achieve what it was looking to achieve, NRK revealed that it wanted to prioritize the monitoring of its OTT channels. Danmon and Bridge Technologies rapidly concluded, based on NRK’s description of the problem, that VB288 and VB330 probes would provide the optimum solution.

The VB288 is currently deployed by NRK for image and audio metering, allowing the company to perform content analysis.

With dual 10G Ethernet connectivity and a massively multiprocessor architecture, the VB330 can deliver monitoring and analytics of thousands of streams and a multitude of technologies in real-time and in parallel. The VB330 is deployed either on dedicated embedded hardware, as a pre-configured and pre-installed appliance or as a software-only solution.

NRK’s primary usage of the VB330s is for network probing and manifest validation.

The two VB330s immediately proved their worth. One of the probes quickly revealed that a CDN channel was not working properly. The CDN provider consulted with Bridge Technologies to check the findings: the fault was rapidly traced – and rectified.

Overall benefits

Being able to efficiently pinpoint and isolate issues is becoming particularly important to broadcast organisations in adaptive bitrate streaming architectures due to the sheer number of technology partners and the need to appropriately assign costs.

The Danmon/Bridge Technologies monitoring solution offers direct benefits to NRK in terms of an improved viewer experience.for its customers. Potential faults are pinpointed faster and addressed to the right technology partner with more technical detail than before. Parameters are now continuously monitored and alarmed a process that was previously essentially a manual one, often involving the correlation of end user evidence from multiple sources without any hard substantiation. This manual process could take days or even weeks - whereas now, the response time from a fault occurring to it being detected is measurable in minutes.

Today, NRK is a very satisfied user of Bridge Technologies probes, and of the Remote Data Wall. RDW is enabling NRK to ensure that it is getting the services for which it is paying – and that its customers are receiving an optimum quality service. NRK has benefited from several enhancements to RDW, and now relies on it to provide a complete – and, more importantly, quickly actionable – insight into the operation of its network.

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Lillehammer Ishockeyklubb

Lillehammer ishockeyklubb henvendte seg til Danmon Group Norge. Klubben var på utkikk etter å gjøre en total fornyelse av deres multimedieplattform i Kristins Hall på Lillehammer. Klubben hadde en visjon om å få til den “beste video- og grafikkunderholdningen for tilskuerne på en norsk hockeyarena”. Det ble tidlig slått fast at en Ross-basert løsning for å drive dette showet på den planlagte kuben og skjermer ville gi dem mulighetene og fleksibiliteten de ønsket. Ross Graphite som kjernen i dette systemet virket som det åpenbare valget, med kombinasjonen av både en god videomixer og grafikk-kraften til Xpression, alt sammen i en praktisk enhet. For å "ice the cake" har de også installert Ross Tessera, som gir dem en rekke muligheter til å spre video og grafikk over flere skjermer. Dette kombinert med de nødvendige glue-komponentene fra Ross openGear, dannet et perfekt grunnlag for at alt skal kunne bindes sammen og kontrolleres av Ross dashBoard. Sammen med Danmon Group Norge identifiserte klubben alle de rette Ross-komponentene som passet deres konsept og som oppfylte de behovene de hadde for installasjonen.

Aleksander N. Stalsberg, ansvarlig for dette prosjektet hos hockeyklubben, hadde blitt introdusert for dashBoard tidligere, og med veldig liten assistanse har han selv kreert et dashbord spesielt designet for denne oppgaven. Faktisker denne Ross-løsningen, med dashBoard kontroll, så unik at han kommer til å dele den med andre Ross Partners i Europa som også jobber med løsninger for ishockey.

Løsningen er installert og testet gjennom hele sommeren (2019), og fungerer nå nesten som planlagt. Bare noe finjusteringer er nødvendig før sesongen starter 20. september. Bildene som er vist her er tatt under en testkamp mellom hjemmelaget Lillehammer Hockey og det Oslo-baserte laget Manglerud Star tidligere i september.

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